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Paris Fashion Week Collection

Paris Fashion Week Collection

Paris Fashion Week Collection, "Ode to Mary Magdalene", is shining light on the Christian Goddess. When Imperial Rome chose which scriptures to include in the canonical bible, it was no accident they left out the scriptures that wrote of the importance of women in early Christianity.  To establish male authority, Mary's true identity and her scriptures were lost and buried.  Magdala in Aramaic means tower, elevated, great, magnificent.  Magdala is her title, she is the apostles to the apostles, something far more radical than a prostitute.  What would Christianity be without Mary Magdalene?  She anointed Jesus making him Christ (the anointed one), it was Mary who found the resurrected God in the garden.  It's time for the restitution of Mary Magdalene and of her true importance in Christianity.  

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